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20 March 2023

Wooden or concrete poles?

Wooden or concrete poles?

Does it matter much whether I choose wooden posts or concrete poles for my fruit canopy?

This is a logical question I often come across when growers are orientating for a new fruit system. I answer this question based on four different factors.

1. Price

Quality poles are expensive. So your system can be built with cheap poles, but in the long run it is wise to invest in quality poles. This applies to wooden and concrete posts. High-quality concrete posts are on average €3,000 to €5,000 cheaper than wooden posts.

2. Quality

When it comes to the quality of different posts, both materials are strong enough to build a fruit canopy. Wooden posts undergo an extensive process of durable treatment. Concrete posts can withstand higher compressive and bending loads. Quality wooden posts can last more than 50 years, so you don't have to worry about rot. Concrete posts do break faster if you drive into them or something similar, for example.

3. Appearance

There is no arguing about taste. Everyone has a different opinion about canopies in the orchard. Wooden posts may look more natural in the orchard. Others value uniformity in the orchard. Are you going for as natural an orchard as possible? Then definitely choose wooden posts! Do you want a uniform orchard? Then concrete posts are best for you.

4. Sustainability

Concrete production has high CO2 emissions and can have a negative impact on the environment. Wooden posts can be sustainably produced and are renewable. So if sustainability and environmental impact are important to you, choosing wooden posts may be the better option. Genuine quality wooden posts also tend to have various labels indicating that they follow good forest policies.

Read more about wooden posts here!

Read more about concrete posts here!

Or watch this video: 

Wilbert Hendriksen    

Wilbert Hendriksen

Productspecialist fruitprotection

My mission and duty is to help as many fruit growers as possible get a good harvest.

So that fruit damage can be prevented, no delivery problems occur

and that fruit growers can harvest successfully!
