Protect with Powerflex Foil System
![Protect with Powerflex Foil System](
Careless growing. Every grower would like that. But worry-free growing is actually impossible. You have to pay close attention and be alert for every change that occurs. Every year is different. Every year has its own challenges in cultivation. Frost, high temperatures, lots of rain, pressure from the Suzuki fruit fly (drosophila suzukii). The conditions change over the years. And so does the Powerflex Foil System. The film covering system for fruit cultivation. It is applied to cherries, raspberries, blueberries, redcurrants, strawberries and blackberries. The system was developed 25 years ago in Austria for rain protection in cherry cultivation. The developers, Rupert Matzer and Martin Pfeifer, are fruit growers themselves and know like no other what the challenges in growing fruit can be. The system has been adapted and developed to meet the challenges that today's growers face.
Worldwide experience with the Powerflex Foil system shows that the system is very wind resistant. In rough weather, with lots of wind and rain, the Powerflex Foil system gives good results. This is due to the unique construction in the gutter.
The latest development is that a wide gutter has been added. In the gutter an insect net has been mounted. This wide gutter gives a good ventilation, also with the insect net. The hot air is drawn out of the system through the gutter. The insect netting in the gutter has a double function. It keeps insects out, good insects in, but also makes sure that rain doesn't come in freely. The rain is stopped by the netting and drips onto the grass in the middle. In this way, good ventilation is combined with protection from insects and rain.
Frost protection can be increased by mounting extra 'Frostflaps' in the gutter. These Frostflaps make sure that the gutter is closed and therefore hardly ventilates anymore. The opening and closing requires some labour but in Central Europe good results are achieved with this system.
One advantage of the system is its freedom of form. This is because the basis of the system is a cable and wire construction. The post distances can therefore differ. A field with different row widths is no problem.
The Powerflex System can also be built onto already existing systems. Several QuickZip and Voen covers have been converted to the Powerflex System by FruitSecurity Holland.
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Gerben van Veldhuizen Fruitprotection specialist My mission is to help as many fruit growers as possible get a good harvest. |