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13 April 2023

How do I install Bayco® support wire?

How do I install Bayco® support wire?

Bayco® wire is an innovative plastic support wire for any fruit species. It is a very good alternative to steel wire if your trees or plants are prone to fruit tree canker. This is because research has shown that plastic wires cause 50-75% fewer fruit tree canker infections than steel wires. It also reduces pseudomonas infections.

Stretch and shrinkage of the support wire

Because plastic support wire works differently from steel wire, it also needs to be installed differently. Plastic support wire, for example, suffers much less from stretching and shrinkage, as it is less sensitive to chemicals and not sensitive to temperature. As a result, the wire remains in tension for up to 15 years.

Cable clamps and Gripple

Bayco® support wire can be installed with gripples or cable clamps, for example. Normal fruiting tensioners can also be used. The advantage of installing support wire with clamps or gripples is that they allow you to tension the support wire much better.

Unrolling Bayco®

It is best to unroll the support wire with an unroller that can be installed on your tractor. This allows you to unroll several wires at once, and this way the unrolling of the support wires goes fastest.

Tensioning of Bayco®

Tensioning the wire is best done with a hand tightener or Gripple tool. Bayco® support wire should be tensioned between 3 and 5% for best results.

You will find the best knotting instructions and the best way to install the Bayco® support wire in this document.

Wilbert Hendriksen    

Wilbert Hendriksen

Productspecialist fruitprotection

My mission and duty is to help as many fruit growers as possible get a good harvest.

So that fruit damage can be prevented, no delivery problems occur

and that fruit growers can harvest successfully!
